Business Litigation

Sometimes in the course of business, disputes arise. If your business is threatened with a claim or lawsuit, or if you need an advocate to fight for you and protect your business interests, Leland Conners is there for you. We have experience working with businesses throughout the Twin Cities in all types of business disputes. Our approach to handling your dispute always takes the reputation, well-being, and bottom line of your business into account in a strategic and cost-effective way.


Many law firms will “overlawyer” your case from the outset. That is, they’ll use legal strategies and advise you to engage in legal disputes over issues that ultimately have no bearing on the effective resolution of your case or the outcome of trial. This way of handling matters ends up costing you and your business money you don’t need to spend and time you can’t get back. At Leland Conners, we will not play unproductive litigation games, bring unnecessary motions, or engage in excessive, fruitless discovery. We think differently about your dispute and make every move deliberately and with your goals and interests in mind.

Our goal is to protect your business interests and address your dispute as if our own business were on the line.

Contact Leland Conners Today for a Free Initial Consultation

There is no charge for the first consultation. Please contact our firm at 612-255-2255 or by completing a contact form to book your appointment. We are located in Minneapolis and serve clients throughout the Twin Cities metro area.